My Investment Process

I believe a well-thought-out plan should serve as the foundation of your long-term business relationship with me.  Using my firm’s financial planning tools, I can analyze your current financial situation and offer possible ways to improve it.  I utilize a four-step process to design your customized investment plan: 

Step 1 – Understand Your Goals
During this step, I conduct a personal interview with you to obtain the background data needed to develop your plan.  If appropriate, I also consult with other professional advisors, including your attorney and tax advisor, to understand all the pertinent details of your financial circumstances.

Step 2 – Develop a Plan
Your second meeting with me is designed to develop a shared vision of your dreams.  I will provide you with a comprehensive presentation of my suggestions in one easy-to-understand report for you to consider.  You will have the opportunity to raise questions and confirm our interpretation of your investment goals.

Step 3 – Recommendations/Implementation
After reviewing your plan with you, I will provide my investment recommendations for your approval specifically tailored to your situation.  Upon approval, I will implement the changes to your investments.

Step 4 – Evaluate Progress
Plans require ongoing maintenance to help ensure you are pursuing your goals.  Your plan will be periodically reviewed with you, and the allocations within your portfolio will be rebalanced as necessary based on changes in the markets and/or your particular needs.  Once your plan is in place, you will receive monthly statements, quarterly performance reports, and an annual tax summary.

Stifel does not offer legal or tax advice. You should consult with your legal or tax advisor regarding your particular situation.  Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or help protect against loss. Rebalancing may have tax consequences, which you should discuss with your tax advisor.